#WETlab papers


These papers are assembled here for academic use only.


### = 2023

2010 - #### (click)

Pre-2010 papers (click)


Still vulnerable to killer tsunamis
Ng, XQS*, SH Wood, AD Ziegler. 2014. Ancient floods, modern hazards: the Ping River, paleofloods and the ’lost city’ of Wiang Kum Kam. Natural Hazards. 10.1007/s11069-014-1426-7.
Ng+2014-Natural Hazards.pdf
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Ziegler, AD, Sidle, RC, Phang, VXH, Wood, SH. 2014.  Bedload transport in SE Asian streams – uncertainties and implications for reservoir management. Geomorphology 227: 31-48.

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Gillis*, LG., AD Ziegler, D van Oevelen, C Cathalot, PMJ Herman, TJ Bouma. Tiny Is Mighty: Seagrass Beds Have a Large Role in the Export of Organic Material in the Tropical Coastal Zone. PLoS ONE 9(11): e111847. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0111847.

gillis+2014-PLOSONE-Tiny is mighty.pdf
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Ziegler, S.G. Benner, C. Tantasirin, S.H. Wood, R.A. Sutherland, R.C. Sidle, N.R.A. Jachowski*, X. Lu, A. Snidvongs, T.W. Giambelluca, J.M. Fox. 2014. Turbidity-based sediment monitoring in northern Thailand: hysteresis, variability, and uncertainty. Journal of Hydrology. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.09.010.

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Gillen, MJ, DA Friess, RJ Wasson, AD Ziegler. Geography’s Role in Nurturing Postgraduate Students in an Era of Interdisciplinarity. 2014. Geographical Journal. doi: 10.1111/geoj.12100.

gillen et al 2014 nurturing.pdf
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Ziegler, AD., RJ Wasson, A  Bhardwaj*, YP Sundrial, SP Sati, N Juyal, V Natival, P Srivastava, MJ Gillen, U Saklani. 2014.  Pilgrims, progress, and the political economy of disaster preparedness.  Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10349.

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Bannwarth, M.A., W. Sangchan, C. Hugenschmidt, M. Lamers, J. Ingwersen, AD Ziegler, T. Streck. Pesticide transport simulation in a tropical catchment by SWAT using the novel ANSELM calibration tool. Environmental Pollution: 191: 70-79..

Bannwarth-2014-EnvPoll-pesticide modelin
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Fox, JM., JC Castella, AD Ziegler, SB Westley. Rubber plantations expand in mountainous Southeast Asia: What are the consequences for the environment. Asia Pacific Issues 114.

fox et al 2014 API - Rubber Plantaitons
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Gillis LG, TJ Bouma, CG Jones, MM van Katwijk, Nagelkerken I, Jeuken CJL, Herman PMJ, Ziegler AD. Potential for landscape-scale positive interactions among tropical marine ecosystems: A review.  Marine Ecology Progress Series doi; 10.3354/meps10716

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Gillen, MJ., DA Friess, RJ Wasson, AD Ziegler. Geography’s Role in Nurturing Postgraduate Students in an Era of Interdisciplinarity. Geographical Journal. doi: 10.1111/geoj.12100.

gillen et al 2014 nurturing.pdf
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Gillis LG, TJ Bouma, W Kiswara, AD Ziegler, PMJ Herman.  Leaf transport in mimic mangrove forests and seagrass beds. Marine Ecology Progress Series 498: 95-102. 

Gillis+2014-MEPS-leaf transport in mimic
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Webb, EL, NRA Jachowski, DA Friess, J Phelps, Maung Maung Than, AD Ziegler. 2014. Deforestation in the Ayeyarwady Delta and the conservation implications of an internationally-engaged Myanmar. Global Environmental Change 24: 321-333. 

webb et al 2014- GEC- deforestation in t
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Ziegler, AD, JP Terry, GJH Oliver, DA Friess, TWL Chow, CJ Chuah, RH Wasson. 2014. Increasing Singapore’s Resilience to Drought. Hydrological Processes 28: 4543-4548. doi: 10.1002/hyp. 10212.

ziegler et al 2014 HP 28 - increasing si
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Jachowski N, SYM Quak, DA Friess, D Duangnamon, EL Webb, AD Ziegler. 2013. Mangrove biomass estimation in Southwest Thailand using machine learning. Applied Geography 45: 311-321.

jachowski et al 2013 AG mangrove biomass
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Nanko et al 2013. LLD - Erosion and Mico
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Nanko, K, TW Giambelluca, RA Sutherland, R Mudd, M Nullet, AD. Ziegler. 2013. Erosion potential under Miconia calvescens stands on the Big Island of Hawai‘i. Land Degradation and Development DOI: 10.1002/ldr.220.

Yuen JQ, AD Ziegler, R Casey, EL Webb. 2013. Uncertainty in Below-ground Carbon Biomass for Major Land Covers in Southeast Asia. Forest Ecology and Management 310: 915-926.

yuen et al 2013 FEM 310 - uncertainty in
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Supplemental table
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Supplemental references
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Kumagai, T., RG Mudd, Y Miyazawa, W Liu, TW Giambelluca, K Kobayashi, TK Lim, M Jomura, K Matsumoto, M Huang, C Qi, AD Ziegler. Simulation of canopy CO2/H2O fluxes for a rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) plantation in central Cambodia: the effect of the regular spacing of planted trees. Ecological Modelling 265: 124-135.

kumagai et al 2013 - em1301 - simulation
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Lai, S., LG Gillis, C Mueller, TJ Bouma, JR Guest, KS Last, AD Ziegler, PA Todd. 2013. First experimental evidence of corals feeding on seagrass matter. Coral Reefs 32:1061–1064; DOI:10.1007/s00338-013-1062-9.

Lai et al 2013 Coral Reefs - Evidence_of
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Fox, FM, JC Castella, AD Ziegler. 2013. Swidden, Rubber and Carbon: Can REDD+ work for people and the environment in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia? Global Environmental Change ##: ##-##.

fox et al 2012 GEC swidden rubber and re
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Ziegler AD, TN Petney, RH Andrews, C Grundy-Warr, IG Baird, RJ Wasson, P Sithithaworn. 2013. Dams and disease triggers on the Mekong River. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 7(6):1-4.

Ziegler+2013-PLOS-dams and disease trigg
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Ziegler, AD, J Gillen, Newell, B., C Grundy-Warr, R. Wasson. 2013. Comprehensive Research in Geography. Area DOI: 10.1111/area.12021.

ziegler et al 2013 - area - comprehensiv
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Velasco, E., KJJ Ho, AD Ziegler. Commuter exposure to black carbon, carbon monoxide, and noise in the mass transport khlong boats of Bangkok, Thailand. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 21: 62-65.

velasco et al. TRD commuter exposure to
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Velasco et al. 2013. Supplemental material
Velasco et al _ 2013c SuppMaterial.docx
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Sen, OL,Bozkurt, D., JB Vogler, JM Fox, TW Giambelluca, AD Ziegler 2013. Hydro-climatic effects of future land-cover/land-use change in montane mainland southeast Asia. Climatic Change 118: 213-226

sen et al 2013 climate change 118-hydrod
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Lim HS, K Boochaphun, Ziegler, AD. 2012. Modifiers and Amplifiers of High and low Flows on the Ping River in Northern Thailand (1921-2009): The Roles of Climatic Events and Anthropogenic Activity. Water Resources Management 26 (14): 4203-4224

Lim et al 2012 modifiers and amplifers o
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Sithithaworn, P, AD Ziegler, C Grundy-Warr, RH Andrews, T. Petney. 2012.  Alterations to the life cycle of liver flukes: dams, roads, and ponds.  The Lancet Infectious Disease 12: 588.

sithithaworn et al 2012-Lancet-changes i
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LI, S, XX Lu, M He, Y Zhou, AD Ziegler. 2012. Daily CO2 partial pressure and CO2 outgassing in the upper Yangtze River basin: a case study of the Longchuanjiang River, China. Journal of Hydrology 466-467: 141-150

Li et al 2012 JHydrol - CO2 partial pres
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Ziegler AD, J Phelps, Yuen JQ, D Lawrence, EL Webb, TB Bruun TB, C Ryan, S Leisz, O Mertz, U Pascual, LP Koh, W Dressler, JM Fox, C Padoch.  2012. Carbon outcomes of major land-cover transitions in SE Asia: Great uncertainties and REDD+ policy implications.  Global Change Biology DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2012.02747.x

Ziegler et al_2012_GCB-Carbon outcomes o
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Supplemental Table
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Supplemental references
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Sidle RC, AD Ziegler. 2012. The dilemma of mountain roads. Nature Geoscience 5, 437–438

Sidle & Ziegler_2012_nature-geoscience-m
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Sutherland RA, FMG Tack, AD Ziegler. 2012. Road-deposited sediments in an urban environment: A first look at sequentially extracted element loads in grain size fractions. Journal of Hazardous Materials 225–226: 54–62.

sutherland et al 2012 JHazMats 225-226 s
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Lu, XX, S Li, M He, Y Zhou, R Bei, Li Li, AD Ziegler. 2012. Organic carbon fluxes from the upper Yangtze River basin: An example of the Longchuanjiang, China. Geomorphology 11: 1604–1616.

Lu et al 2012 HP26 organic carbon fluxes
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Van Vliet, N, O Mertz, A Heineman, T. Langanke, U. Pascual, B Schmook, C. Adams, D. Schmidt-Vogt, P. Messerli, S Leisz, J-C, Castella, L Lrogensen, T Brich-Thomsen, C Hett, T Bech-Bruun, A Ickowitz, Kim Chi Vu, K. Yasuyuki, JM Fox, C Padoch, W, Dressler,  AD Ziegler. 2012. Trends, drivers and impacts of changes in swidden agriculture on tropical forest frontiers: a global assessment.  Global Environmental Change 22(2): 418-429

van Vliet et al 2012 GEC22 trend drivers
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Chang T-Y, Y-C Wang, C-C, Feng, AD Ziegler, TW Giambelluca, Liou, Y-A. 2012. Estimation of Root Zone Soil Moisture using Apparent Thermal Inertia with MODIS Imagery over the Tropical Catchment of Northern Thailand. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 99:1-11.

Chang+2012-IEEE-STARORS-estimating root
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Ziegler, AD, HS Lim, C Tantasarin, N Jachowski, RJ Wasson. 2012. Floods, False Hope, and the Future. 2012.  Hydrological Processes 26: 1748-1750. Doi: 10.1002/hyp.9260 

Ziegler et al 2012-HP-Floods Fallacies F
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Fox, FM, JB Vogler, OL Sen, TW Giambelluca, AD Ziegler. 2012.  Simulating land-cover change in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia. Environmental Management 49(5): 968-979. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-012-9828-3

fox et al 2012 EM49-simulating landcover
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Webb, EL, J Phelps, DA Friess, M Rao, AD Ziegler.2012.  Environment friendly reform in Myanmar. Science 336: 295.  Doi: 10.1002/hyp.9260

Webb et al 2012-Science-Myanmar.pdf
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Yuen, JQ, P Olin, HS Lim, SG Benner, RA Sutherland, AD Ziegler. 2012. Accumulation of potentially toxic elements in road deposited sediments in residential and light industrial neighborhoods in Singapore. Journal of Environmental Management 101: 151-163.

Yuen et al 2012-JEMA-101-metals in road
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Petney, T, P Sithithaworn, R Andrews, N Kiatsopit, S Tesana, C Grundy-Warr, AD Ziegler. 2012.  Ecology of the Bithynia first intermediate hosts of Opisthorchis viverrini: a critical review. Parasitology International 61: 38-45.151-163.

petney et al 2012-PI61-the ecology of th
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Grundy-Warr, C., RH Andrews, P Sithithaworn, TN Petney, B Sripa, L Lathavewat, AD Ziegler. 2012. Raw Attitudes, Wetland Cultures, Life-Cycles: Socio-cultural dynamics relating to Opisthorchis viverrini in the Mekong Basin. International Journal of Parasitology 61: 65-70.

grundy-warr et al 2012-PI61-raw attitude
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Ziegler, AD, HS Lim, NR Jachowski, RJ Wasson. 2012.  Reduce urban flood vulnerability.  Nature 481, 145. doi:10.1038/481145b

Ziegler et al 2012-Nature_481-reduce urb
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Ziegler, AD., RC Sidle, MS Song, SH, Ang ZH, D Duangnamon. 2012. Slope Failures and Erosion on the Ao Jak Beach Road: Toward Reducing Tsunami Vulnerability on Remote Coastlines. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 361: 107-114.

Ziegler et al 2012-Geological Society, L
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Ziegler, AD., Lu XX., C Tantasarin.  2011. Sediment load monitoring in the Mae Sa catchment in northern Thailand.  Sediment Problems and Sediment Management in Asian River Basins (Proceedings of the Workshop held at Hyderabad, India, September 2009). IAHS Publ. 349: 86-91.

Ziegler et al 2011-IAHS-349-Sediment loa
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Lu, XX., S Li, M He, Y Zhou, RT Bei, AD Ziegler. 2011.  Seasonal changes of nutrients in the Upper Changjiang basin: An example of the Longchuanjiang River, China.  Journal of Hydrology 405: 344-351.

Lu et al 2011-JH405-seasonal changes of
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Ziegler, AD, JM Fox, Webb, EL, C Padoch, S Leisz, RA Cramb, O Mertz, TT Bruun, Tran Duc Vien. 2011. Rapid land use changes and the role of swiddening in SE Asia. Conservation Biology 25: 846-848 .

Ziegler et al 2011-ConsBiol-25-recognizi
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Cuo, L, TW Giambelluca, AD Ziegler. 2011. Distributed-Hydrology-Soil-Vegetation Model Parameter Sensitivity Analysis.  Hydrological Processes  25: 2405-2421.

Cuo et al 2011_HP25-DHSVM parameter sens
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Li S, Lu XX, He Min, Zhou Y, AD Ziegler.. 2011. Major element chemistry in the Upper Yangtze River: A case study of the Longchuanjiang River.  Geomorphology: 129: 29-42.

Li et al 2011-Geomorphology129(29-42)-Ma
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Ziegler, AD, RH Andrews, C Grundy-Warr, P Sithithaworn, TN Petney. 2011. Fighting liverflukes with food safety education.  Science 331: 282-283.

Ziegler et al 2011-Science-331-liverfluk
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Guardiola-Claramonte, M., PA Troch, AD Ziegler., TW Giambelluca, M Durcik, JB Vogler, MA Nullet. 2010. Modeling basin-scale hydrologic effects of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) in a tropical catchment. Ecohydrology. 3(3): 306-314.   DOI: 10.1002/eco.110

Guardiola-Claramonte et al 2010_Ecohydro
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Sidle RC, AD Ziegler. 2010.  Elephant trail runoff and sediment dynamics in northern Thailand.  Journal of Environmental Quality: 39-871–881. doi:10.2134/jeq2009.0218

Sidle & Ziegler_2010_JEQ39-runoff on ele
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